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February 16th, 2021
Chair Grijalva Hails Public Lands Package for Floor Consideration Next Week – Includes His “Grand Canyon Protection Act,” Wilderness Measures
February 13th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Trump’s Acquittal in Second Impeachment Trial
February 12th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Statement on New CDC Guidelines to Return to In-Person Learning for Schools
February 12th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Applauds President’s Actions on MPP, Urges Further Changes to Asylum Process and Reversal of Trump Border Policies
February 11th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Statement on End of Trump’s National Emergency at the Southern Border
February 11th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Reintroduces ‘Justice is Not for Sale’ Act to Ban Private Prisons and End Immigrant Family Detention
February 5th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Supports Strong Investments in Workforce Development, Votes for National Apprenticeship Act
February 5th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva and Arizona House Democrats Support Request for Additional Vaccines, Ask White House COVID-19 Taskforce to Assess Arizona Operations
February 2nd, 2021
Rep. Grijalva on President Biden’s Immigration Executive Actions: ‘A Positive Step Toward a Humane Immigration System’
January 29th, 2021
Chair Grijalva Announces Naomi Miguel as Staff Director of Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States, Ariana Romeo as Professional Staffer