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February 5th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva on the Acquittal of President Trump: ?They’ve Made a Mockery of Our Democracy’

WASHINGTON— Today, the U.S. Senate acquitted President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress after his impeachment by the House of Representatives. The acquittal occurred after the Senate refused to call witnesses, including former White House National Security Council Director John Bolton. After the acquittal, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“Holding a trial without witnesses or documents is a sham, and this so-called verdict is tainted by the corruption of Mitch McConnell and Trump’s Republican enablers in the Senate. Make no mistake, the case presented by the House of Representatives was detailed, contained overwhelming evidence, and incriminated the President in an illicit attempt to invite foreign interference in our elections. I’m proud to be a part of an institution that voted to follow the law and hold President Trump accountable.

“Despite the verdict, the facts remain clear. President Trump extorted Ukraine into opening an investigation into a political rival by withholding congressionally-appropriated military aid. He obstructed every investigation into his conduct and blocked every witness and document the House of Representatives subpoenaed. This begs the question: what else is he hiding? I remain convinced that more information will surface that further implicates the President in an illegal affair. Even without the additional evidence blocked by Trump, the facts demonstrate an irrefutable abuse of presidential power.

“Sadly, Congressional Republicans serving as Trump’s willing enablers have put their own personal interests over those of the country. They’ve made a mockery of our democracy and their participation in this cover-up will forever stain their legacy. Undoubtedly voters will remember this as they head to the polls in November and hold the President and his accomplices accountable.”



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