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March 28th, 2024
Rep. Grijalva Announces Opening of FY25 Community Project Funding Portal

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) announced the opening of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Community Project Funding Portal for Arizona’s 7th Congressional District. The deadline for submissions will be announced when the House Appropriations Committee releases guidelines.

“In FY24, we were successful in securing more than $14.2 million in federal funding to improve community services and infrastructure across Southern Arizona,” said Rep. Grijalva. “I look forward to reviewing submissions for FY25.”

While guidelines for FY 25 have yet to be announced by the House Appropriations Committee, each Representative historically has been able to request funding for a certain number of projects in their community – although only a handful may be funded. Last Fiscal Year’s criteria and guidance can be found here and below.

To ensure projects are a good use of taxpayer funds, the House Appropriations Committee has established a number of requirements. The Committee has banned Community Project Funding for for-profit recipients and has mandated that non-profit entities must provide documentation of their 501(c)(3) status. Requesting entities must ensure that these projects are shovel ready. Further, all projects must demonstrate strong evidence of community support, such as: 

  • Letters in support of the project from elected community leaders. 
  • Press articles highlighting the need for the requested Community Project Funding. 
  • Support from editorial boards of local newspapers. 
  • Documentation that projects are listed on state or local use plans, community development plans, or other publicly available planning documents, including State Improvement Plans or Metropolitan Improvement Plans, or 
  • Resolutions passed by city councils or school boards. 

Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams, and only state & local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding. Funding may not be allocated until several months following passage and enactment of the funding laws. Additional information on the parameters of the Community Project Funding available here.   

Rep. Grijalva’s FY25 Submission Portal is now open and can be found HERE.  

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