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January 24th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Applauds ?The Well-Deserved Happy Ending’ to Nosey the Elephant’s Case

TUCSON, AZ—On Monday, January 22, a district court in Alabama ruled that ‘Nosey’ the elephant will not be returned to her abusive owners and will remain in The Elephant Sanctuary of Tennessee.

“Nosey the elephant endured decades of shocking abuse and neglect, which a renowned elephant expert referred to as ‘the worst and most prolonged case of suffering he had ever documented,’” said Rep. Raul M. Grijalva. “We have a moral and legal obligation to protect animals through the Animal Welfare Act, and I am pleased that our calls for action achieved results and have finally brought an end to this long nightmare. I’d like to thank every individual who used their voice when Nosey could not and helped her achieve a well-deserved happy ending.”

After public outcry, Rep. Grijalva led efforts to urge the USDA to re-investigate Nosey’s abuse, sending several letters asking for them to reconsider and prioritize her grave situation. After being seized from her owners in November 2017, this latest ruling ensures that she will remain in the custody of Lawrence County Animal Control.


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