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March 31st, 2022
Rep. Grijalva Calls for President Biden to Deliver for Farmworkers on César Chávez Day

TUCSON, Ariz. – In a newly published op-ed, Rep. Raúl M, Grijalva (AZ-03) calls on President Biden to deliver fair wages, heat standard, and justice for farmworkers by updating our labor laws and declaring a federal permanent heat standard.

Rep. Grijalva wrote the op-ed as a call to action in honor of the legacy of César Chávez, the labor activist, co-founder of the farm workers labor movement and what is now the United Farm Workers, who fought for dignity, livable wages and fair working conditions for these too often overlooked workers throughout his life. He tells the tragic stories of Florencio Gueta Vargas and Sebastián Francisco Perez, two farmworkers who passed away due to heat-related causes.

In the op-ed, Rep. Grijalva writes:

“Today, March 31, is marked as César Chávez Day. It’s a day to honor the legacy of the labor activist, co-founder of the farm workers labor movement and what is now the United Farm Workers, who fought for dignity, livable wages and fair working conditions for these too often overlooked workers throughout his life.

On his 95th birthday, we are far from the justice Chávez sought. But there are solutions the Biden administration can implement today to protect those who feed us, and ensure that there are no more stories like Florencio’s or Sebastián’s. Today, we’re asking President Biden to act on the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ recommendation for a national heat standard and call on Congress to pass the Fairness for Farm Workers Act to update the nation’s labor laws to ensure farm workers receive overtime pay, just like everyone else. We must ensure that the men and women who harvest our food receive the wages they have earned and need.”

The full op-ed can be read here.

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