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October 12th, 2022
Rep. Grijalva Calls on LA City Council Members to Resign Following Racist Remarks

TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement:

“It is not enough for former LA City Council President Nury Martinez to step down from her leadership role, take a leave of absence and issue an apology. She must immediately resign from the council altogether. Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León should be held equally accountable for their enabling of racist, homophobic language and their silence thereafter.

“People deserve better from their elected representatives. As public officials, we take a pledge to represent and advocate for all our constituents and it is quite clear that Councilmembers Martinez, Cedillo and de León are no longer able to fulfill that responsibility.”

El Congresista Grijalva emitió la siguiente declaración:

“No es suficiente que la expresidenta del Concejo Municipal de Los Ángeles, Nury Martínez, renuncie a su cargo de liderazgo, tome una ausencia y emita una disculpa. Ella debe renunciar inmediatamente del consejo. Los concejales Gil Cedillo y Kevin de León deben ser igualmente responsables por permitir el lenguaje racista y homofóbico y por su silencio posterior.

“El pueblo merece algo mejor de sus representantes electos. Como funcionarios públicos, nos comprometemos a representar y defender a todos nuestros electores y está bastante claro que los concejales Martínez, Cedillo y de León ya no pueden cumplir con esa responsabilidad”.

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