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April 27th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Condemns Secrecy and Deceit Surrounding Arizona Republicans’ Sham Election Audit

TUCSON— Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement concerning ongoing transparency issues with the current audit of the 2020 election ordered by the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate:

“This unnecessary and wasteful audit is a pathetic attempt by the Arizona State Senate to confirm what we already know. The facts are unimpeachable: Arizonans elected Joe Biden as President of the United States. Multiple audits and a hand recount confirmed this, and no amount of money or shady firm run by a partisan hack will change it. It’s time that Arizona Republicans stop bowing down to the conspiracy theories emanating from Mar-A-Lago and accept the decision that Arizonans made six months ago.”


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