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September 27th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva: Cyber Ninja’s Sham Audit Confirms Donald Trump Was Biggest Loser of 2020 Election

WASHINGTON – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued a statement following the “results” of the 2020 Election “audit” in Arizona:

​“The “results” of the Arizona election “audit” are unsurprising and an enormous waste of time and hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Audits and calls for election audits only continue to perpetuate the Big Lie that the 2020 Election was stolen and undermine the integrity of our electoral process. ​After six months of witnessing this whole fiasco unfold, Cyber Ninjas must unequivocally confirm​ what we already knew: Donald Trump was the biggest and sorest loser of the 2020 election and no sham audit ​or attempted media spin can change that.”

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