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May 23rd, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Decries Trump’s Class-System Immigration Plan

Recently, President Trump announced his class-system immigration plan that prioritizes the entry of wealthy, educated immigrants from other countries while ending family reunification immigration policies. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“Instead of embracing America’s immigrant heritage and keeping families together, the Trump Administration is seeking to reorganize our immigration system to suit his own prejudicial worldview. It’s unsurprising that a man who frequently paints all immigrants from Latin American as violent criminals and refers to African countries as ‘shitholes’ would endorse an immigration plan that would shut them out of the immigration system entirely.

“Keeping families together should be at the heart of any immigration policy, and Trump’s newest plan and existing policies do everything to the contrary. I will not play a role is ending family reunification and will not support any policy proposal that attempts to eliminate it. We should instead pass the Dream and Promise Act, follow the United States’ legal obligations to asylum seekers, and put an end to family separation at the border.”


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