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October 1st, 2020
Rep. Grijalva: Heroes Act Compromise is Our Plea to Republicans: ‘People are Dying, Families are Hurting, You Can and Must Do Something to Help’

TUCSONToday, the House of Representatives voted on an updated version of the Heroes Act. After voting in support of the legislation, Rep. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“Over 100,000 more Americans have died, thousands of small businesses have shuttered, and millions have lost their jobs since May when the House of Representatives passed the Heroes Act and Mitch McConnell refused to bring it to the floor for a vote. Today, House Democrats once again proved that we were willing to work with Republicans and the Trump Administration on a solution, even as President Trump refuses to do his job.

“This bill is a plea from Democrats on behalf of the American people. It’s not everything we know they need, but it still provides for direct stimulus payments to America’s families, extended unemployment benefits, rental assistance, and more money for testing and contact tracing programs. Additionally, it invests in small businesses by increasing the Paycheck Protection Program, provides funds to local and state governments to stabilize their budgets, and allocates money to schools, universities and childcare centers to ensure they can operate and reopen safely. We are pleading with Republicans and the President to take action on this compromise. People are dying, families are hurting, and you can and must do something to help them.”


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