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May 29th, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Honored by 100 Percent Rating from Alliance for Retired Americans

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement after receiving a ranking of 100 percent from the Alliance for Retired Americans. The ARA, which represents more than 4.3 million retirees across the United States, released their report just as our nation culminates its celebration of May as Older Americans Months. The ranking reflects votes Rep. Grijalva made during the second session of 113th Congress, and preserves his 100 percent lifetime ranking with the ARA.

“The Alliance for Retired Americans is a leading voice in the fight to protect seniors all across America,” said Rep. Grijalva. “From protecting Social Security and Medicare, to defeating attacks on the Affordable Care Act, to ensuring adequate support for housing and senior nutrition programs, the ARA is an incredible ally in the fight to protect seniors in this nation from the far too common attempts to cut their benefits and services. I am honored once again to receive their recognition, and look forward to continuing our strong alliance for years to come.”

Rep. Grijalva, a longtime ally of seniors and retired Americans, introduced the SSI Restoration Act to expand assistance for seniors and individuals with disabilities earlier this month. He is one of only two Members of the Arizona Congressional delegation to receive a 100 percent from the ARA, and the only Member from the delegation to maintain a 100 percent lifetime score.


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