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August 26th, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Honors Judge Pollard for Tremendous Contributions to Veterans & Tucson Community

TUCSON – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) today celebrated the contributions of Judge Michael Pollard to the Tucson community by presenting him with a Congressional Record from July 21, 2015 in his honor.

The full text of Rep. Grijalva’s statement for the Congressional Record is available here and below.

Mr. Speaker, today I wish to recognize the hard work of Judge Michael Pollard and his tremendous impact on the Tucson community.

His selfless work for the American people started when he was drafted into the United States Marine Corps in 1967. He was assigned to the Echo Company 2nd Battalion 4th Marines, proudly serving his country in Vietnam.

Following his time in the military, Judge Pollard graduated from the University of Arizona, College of Law in 1972. He then worked tirelessly in private practice as a prosecutor and public defender for 20 years before being appointed as a Tucson City Court magistrate in 1994.

Since that appointment, Judge Pollard has worked relentlessly to improve his community through service on various committees, including as chair of the Arizona Supreme Court Committee on the Impact of Domestic Violence in the Courts, as the state judicial representative to the Arizona Full faith and Credit Team, and as co-chair of the Tucson/Pima County Homeless Plan Implementation Task Force, continuing to direct homeless courts in the region.

Judge Pollard’s most recent contribution to Tucson can be found in his honorable and dedicated work with his fellow veterans. In 2009, along with a handful of other judges, he developed the Regional Municipalities Veterans Treatment Court. This organization works to provide veterans an opportunity to avoid jail time and clear any misdemeanor charges they may have on their record. In return, the veteran must complete court-mandated rehabilitation and support courses, many times working with the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System and other local organizations that provide those services. Since its inception, this program has allowed over 600 veterans to work towards a healthy, clean lifestyle without the difficulties of possessing a criminal record.

Thanks to Judge Pollard and his team, countless veterans have been able to move past their misdemeanors and progress to nonviolent, healthy lives. He sees these misdemeanors not as permanent hardships, but as potential turning points for those who accept them. He provides a second chance for those who have fought for our country, and for this I am grateful. Judge Pollard demonstrates an individual who truly works for the betterment of his community, both among Tucsonans and his fellow veterans.


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