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February 15th, 2024
Rep. Grijalva Joins Introduction of Sweeping New Housing Legislation: Community Housing Act

WASHINGTON – Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) joined Reps. Becca Balint (VT-AL) and Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) in introducing the Community Housing Act (CHA).

This ambitious plan invests over $500 billion in federal programs that fund the construction of affordable and deeply affordable housing. The CHA embraces sustainable affordable housing through a community land trust which means a nonprofit organization of residents that jointly stewards community assets, guaranteeing that housing on that land stays affordable and inclusive. The bill includes a suite of creative policy solutions to address root causes of the housing crisis and alleviate long term affordability challenges. 

“The CHA offers much needed investments and solutions to alleviate the national housing crisis by encouraging the creation of more affordable, community-based housing across the country from Southern Arizona to Vermont,” said Rep. Grijalva. “I’m proud to sponsor and support this legislation to provide affordable housing for our communities.” 

The Community Housing Act addresses the housing crisis by: 

  • Funding an increase in the supply of affordable housing.  
  • Ensuring that affordable housing stays affordable for the long run by guaranteeing that housing in community land trust stay affordable and inclusive.
  • Permanently reauthorizing the emergency rental assistance for people facing eviction.
  • Discouraging rental price gouging by requiring large landlords to provide reports for antitrust enforcement.
  • Strengthening and preserving pathways to homeownership.  
  • Supporting affordable homes and apartments for rural residents.

One pager on the bill can be found here

The bill text can be found here

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