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November 14th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Leads Members of Congress and Calls for the Resignation of Secretary Nielsen

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva led Democratic Members of Congress in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen urging her to resign. This comes at the heels of rumors of her imminent firing by President Trump. Their letter read in part:

“You are responsible for the unimaginable trauma of thousands of children across the United States. From the children torn from their parents at the border, to Dreamers facing exile from their home, and to the U.S. citizen children who face losing a parent to deportation; your actions continue to wreak havoc on communities across this nation. In order to restore our values and the public’s trust in the DHS, we demand your resignation and urge the reversal of the policies implemented at DHS and DOJ designed to destroy families.

“The evidence is clear. During your tenure as DHS Secretary, you have inflicted real harm on children and families coming to the United States, immigrant youth growing up in communities across the country, and U.S. citizen children born to immigrant parents. These actions have ruined the moral credibility of the United States and are an affront to American values. For these reasons, we ask that you immediately resign.”

Click here to read the letter in its entirety.



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