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March 7th, 2024
Rep. Grijalva Reacts to President Biden’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“President Biden’s State of the Union address offered a robust defense of American democracy, reproductive freedoms, and recommitted our nation to our allies abroad. He defined a positive and comprehensive vision for our nation. The American people continue to benefit from the Biden administration’s landmark legislative accomplishments of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and more. These laws are revitalizing Arizona with projects like the I-10 expansion, the City of Tucson’s 22nd Street bridge, millions of dollars to update clean drinking water infrastructure, the San Luis and Douglas Ports-of-Entry, low and no-emission buses and trams for our schools and national parks, and the build out of broadband for rural and tribal communities. President Biden and his administration are delivering on advancing environmental justice, addressing our shared climate crisis, protecting public education for our children, forgiving billions in student loans, tackling price gouging and inflation, lowering costs for working families, creating the world’s most competitive economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, and defending our democracy.

“The Biden presidency stands in direct contrast to the extremism presented by Trump and Congressional Republicans. Trump and Republicans tried to overturn a democratic election, repealed Roe v. Wade, refused to secure resources for our border and pass immigration reform, and supported tax breaks for corporations and billionaires instead of helping working families. Through chaos and threats, Republicans have shown over the past two years that they are incapable of governing. All the while, Trump and Republicans remain fixated on the southern border and chose to block bipartisan immigration reform for the sake of campaign politics. I do, however, caution President Biden from pushing for Trump-era immigration policies that have not yielded any positive results and only worsened conditions at the border for families and individuals seeking refuge in our country. Real immigration reform is needed, and it begins with providing the necessary resources to localities like those in Southern Arizona that are at the forefront of the situation.”

“It’s clear the American people have benefitted from the leadership of President Biden and his commitment to defending the freedoms and values essential to American democracy. I look forward to working together with President Biden to ensure we can build on the historic progress we have made thus far and champion bold policies to protect reproductive freedom, establish a living wage, guarantee paid leave, ensure climate justice, hold corporations accountable, require the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes, safeguard Social Security and Medicare, and defend and advance racial equity and civil rights for every American for future generations.”

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