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January 21st, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s seventh State of the Union Address:

“I’m proud of President Obama for making income inequality the central focus of his State of the Union address. Working families are clearly better off now than they were when President Obama first addressed our nation from the House floor, and I was glad to hear policy proposal from him that will build on that record of success. I was equally impressed with the president’s commitment to the recent gains we’ve made in healthcare, job creation and education, declaring that any legislation to erode that work will earn his veto.

“I join the president in his commitment to middle class economics, and will support his vetoes should he need to use them. But we must make sure that opportunities gained by sound economic policies are not undercut by jobs lost to poor trade deals. This why I have many concerns with the Trans Pacific Partnership and will not support a deal or fast track authority that will increase trade deficits, erode environmental protections and undermine the security of the middle class.  Equally important is making sure that our foreign policy best represents our national interest. It’s time to end the era of spending on unwinnable wars – President Obama must work with Congress on a new Authorization for Use of Military Force against ISIS so that we do not repeat past mistakes.

“The president showed strong leadership in 2014 and last night he laid out a concrete path towards a stronger and more inclusive economy in 2015.  His proposals are encouraging steps towards making 2015 the last year the term ‘low-wage worker’ is used in the wealthiest nation in the world, and I look forward to joining him in that fight.”

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