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March 16th, 2017
Rep. Grijalva Responds to Reported Deficiencies in Care at Tucson VA

TUCSON – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement today after the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Inspector General (OIG), issued a Clinical Assessment Program Review of the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS) in Tucson that is widely critical of the facility’s operations.

According to OIG, their evaluation identified system weaknesses in credentialing and privileging, utilization management, general safety and environmental cleanliness, anticoagulation policies and processes, transfer documentation, employee competencies for point-of-care testing, history and physical examinations and informed consent within 30 days prior to moderate sedation procedures, community nursing home clinical visits and oversight committee representation, and analysis of disruptive or violent behavior incidents data.

“I am deeply disappointed by OIG findings of subpar medical care at the VA in Tucson,” Rep. Grijalva said. “The concerns raised in this review are significant, systemic, and must be addressed immediately. I stand ready to work with SAVAHCS to ensure their care is consistent with other great VA facilities around the country. The sad truth is this Department remains chronically under-funded by Republicans in Congress. Until the VA receives the support it urgently needs, more instances of unacceptable care are sure to arise around the country.

“Our military and their families serve the American people with distinction, and make sacrifices on a daily basis so that others don’t have to. Delivering medical care in return is the bare minimum we can do to show appreciation for our veterans and their families. This is a commitment our nation makes to everyone who serves in uniform, and it’s one we simply cannot fall short in meeting.”

The full OIG Clinical Assessment Program Review of SAVAHCS is available here.


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