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June 28th, 2012
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Affordable Care Act Ruling: “A Historic Win for Arizonans And an Affirmation of the Constitution”

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act:

“Today is a historic win for Arizonans and an affirmation of the Constitution. Our health care system has been too complicated, too unfair and too expensive for decades, and today is a historic landmark on our way to the modern health care system we deserve. I’m as proud today of my vote for the Affordable Care Act as I was the day we passed it. President Obama and my Democratic colleagues in Congress were right to take a lead on this, and Arizonans are going to be healthier and more economically secure for decades to come because the Supreme Court recognized the importance and validity of our work.

“Today, the cloud hanging over the millions of Americans who have already benefited from this law, and the millions more set to benefit in the years to come, has been lifted for good. All Americans are entitled to minimum coverage for the first time in our nation’s history. The decision today was not a victory for partisan politics, but for Arizonans and all Americans who deserve better than our old system could provide.

“After an unnecessary fight that was drawn out by corporate-funded smear campaigns about government takeovers and death panels, justice has prevailed. We will finally see progress. Because of the Affordable Care Act, and because of today’s ruling affirming its constitutionality:

  • More than 30 million uninsured Americans could have access to affordable health insurance
  • Insurance companies must stop discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions
  • Women will not be charged substantially more than men
  • Young adults will be able to stay on their parents’ health care plans up to age 26
  • Prescriptions will be affordable for seniors
  • Medicare beneficiaries will have free preventive care
  • Community Health Centers will be able to see more patients and hire more staff
  • Improvements to the Indian Health Services will move forward
  • Fraud, waste and abuse will be stopped and the national deficit will be reduced

“We know there will always be ways to improve our laws, and this is no exception. More work remains to be done. But let’s remember that today the ability of insurance companies to dictate the terms of health care for hundreds of millions of people ended, once and for all. The right of the American people to affordable health care was affirmed, once and for all. Today we join our many allies and friends all over the world that view health care as something to provide, not something to withhold, regardless of one’s economic situation. That’s why today is such a great and important day.

“The special interest groups and individuals who profit from keeping our health care system broken will continue their fight and spread their misinformation. The law must be fully and fairly implemented so that Arizona families receive the health care they deserve and to which they are entitled. Because the Affordable Care Act provides a great amount of flexibility to the states, we must watch carefully how Arizona prepares to take advantage of opportunities to improve the lives of our neighbors, our friends and our fellow Arizonans. Foot-dragging in the wake of this ruling would hurt our state and our people for no reason other than ideological spite.

“I congratulate President Obama, my colleagues in Congress who worked so hard for so many years to bring us to this historic day, and all Americans who will benefit from the Affordable Care Act. Today is a day to remember.”

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