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October 27th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Statement on the Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court

TUCSON—After the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Supreme Court without a single Democratic vote, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“From Mitch McConnell’s announcement that he would confirm a Supreme Court Justice within an hour of Justice Ginsburg’s death, Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation has been a sham process. It’s the height of hypocrisy for a Republican Party who refused to even give Merrick Garland a hearing in 2016.

“During her confirmation hearings, Justice Barrett refused to acknowledge the scientific consensus on climate change and whether she would uphold key precedents that have guaranteed important rights and protections for minority communities. Her confirmation is an insult to the memory of the late Justice Ginsburg who spent her life fighting for an America built on justice for all.

“Under Trump and McConnell’s leadership, Senate Republicans have prioritized their own greed for power over the interests of American families. They have packed the federal courts at all levels with ideological extremists to implement an agenda that they know the American people do not support. Trump and the Republican Party consistently stoop to new lows in their quest to take healthcare away from millions of people, threaten the reproductive rights of millions of women, and endanger the livelihood of LGBTQ families.

“Instead of prioritizing relief for small businesses, communities, and working families impacted by COVID-19, Trump and Republicans rammed through a partisan confirmation one week before an election. We will not forget this sham process and Republican’s hypocritical willingness to bend the rules when it helps their political agenda.“


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