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September 24th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Impeachment Proceedings


WASHINGTON— Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives will open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The announcement follows public allegations that the Trump Administration withheld congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine while President Trump pressured the Ukrainian President to investigate the family of former Vice President Joe Biden.

“The President’s invitation for a foreign power to investigate a political rival and invite interference in our elections is against the law,” said Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva. “Trump has consistently put his personal interests ahead of those of the American people, reiterated his belief of being above the law, and obstructed important Congressional oversight investigations into the corruption plaguing his administration”

Rep. Grijalva was an early supporter of impeachment and supported a no confidence resolution in July 2017 that condemned the President’s obstruction of justice, attacks on the free press, and profiting from the presidency through his hotels and private business dealings.

“As Members of Congress we have the power and the responsibility to take action and proceed toward impeachment,” continued Rep. Grijalva. “I hope my Republican colleagues recognize the gravity of this moment and understand that their ongoing silence makes them complicit in Trump’s disdain of the rule of law and our democracy.”


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