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April 10th, 2023
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Court Decisions on Long Used Medication Abortion Pill

WASHINGTON, DC – A Trump-appointed federal judge in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA ruled to take Mifepristone, a safe abortion care medication off the market. An hour later, a judge in Washington state ruled in a conflicting decision that prevents FDA from altering the status quo with respect to the availability of mifepristone in the 18 plaintiff states, which includes Arizona.  The availability of the drug will ultimately be decided by higher courts. Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) issued a statement:

“I support the administration’s appeal of the disastrous Texas decision that threatens access to medication abortion and miscarriage treatment across the nation. Mifepristone is still available for the time being, is a scientifically sound and is a safe and effective medication. This ruling by the Trump appointed judge to ban this drug is part of a targeted anti-abortion, Republican attack on reproductive freedom. Republicans chose a politically biased judge to hear this case and weaponize the court system in order to further their anti-freedom agenda, weaken the FDA’s authority and control women’s bodies.”

“I condemn the Texas judge’s decision as a perversion of the rule of law with no basis in data or public health science. Individuals deserve to make their own health care decisions between them and their doctors without politicians involved. We will not stop fighting for reproductive freedom and access to health care for all.”

“I have called on the administration to exercise full authority to correct this detrimental decision and am prepared to vote to ensure the authority of the FDA and reinstate the rights of women across this country. I call on all members of Congress to put aside their ideology and politics and to join me to vote to codify the freedom and rights of Americans as soon as possible.”

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