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March 27th, 2023
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Nashville School Shooting

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) issued the following statement:

“We’re devastated by the tragedy in Nashville. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, kids, victims, and first responders, but they mean nothing if it’s not backed by action. Gun violence is a public health emergency. It is now the leading cause of death for children in the United States. The urgency to pass additional common-sense gun violence prevention legislation is now.”

“Instead of holding hearings as pawns of the gun lobby and silencing grieving parents, Republican leaders should be acting to help families and victims of gun violence. Speaker McCarthy has an opportunity to put legislation on the floor to address gun violence and the proliferation of assault weapons in our society. This week, we should vote to safeguard the wellbeing of our constituents and kids from guns instead of giveaways to the oil lobby.”

“We can no longer afford to band-aid together legislation to appease the gun lobby. We must pass universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods and gun storage safety, and limit the availability of the high-powered, semiautomatic guns that have made mass murders a horrific commonplace in our society.”

“No parent should be afraid to send their kids to school. Our children shouldn’t have to learn in fear. No one should fear for their lives in a public space because these weapons of war are easily available. The time to act is now.”

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