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November 22nd, 2023
Rep. Grijalva Statement on News of Israel-Gaza Hostage Release Deal

TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“I am encouraged by the news of a deal for the release of hostages from the terrorist group Hamas and the short-term cessation of hostilities in Gaza. The agony of waiting to hear the fate of a loved one is something no family should have to suffer through. I commend President Biden’s leadership and commitment to the hostages during this conflict, as well as the government of Israel and regional partners for their work on this deal. I urge them to continue to pursue all avenues to reunite the remaining hostages with their families.”

“While diplomatic negotiations have allowed for longer humanitarian pauses in Gaza, the current levels of aid are insufficient to meet the needs of the ongoing humanitarian crisis. With almost 2.2 million civilians in Gaza, nearly half of whom are children, the situation is dire. We must surge vital lifesaving supplies, water and resources to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the war. We have a moral responsibility to aid and safeguard the innocent women, children and people stuck in the horrific crossfires in Gaza.”

“Moving forward, the United States should work urgently with Israel to lay out clear end goals for this conflict. Undefined military strategies have led to mass civilian casualties and will prolong this conflict to the detriment of innocent lives. The United States must make every effort to safeguard Israeli and Palestinian civilians and prevent further violence. As I have called for previously, I urge the Biden administration to negotiate a ceasefire and framework for peace through the United Nations with regional and international partners. Our long-term goals must be regional stability and a sustainable two-state solution to provide a permanent, just and lasting peace.”

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