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February 2nd, 2023
Rep. Grijalva Statement on the Republican March to Dismantle Essential American Programs

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) released the statement following the vote on the Republican Resolution “Denouncing the horrors of socialism”:

“Republicans continue to distract instead of legislating on serious issues facing the American people. This resolution is a sad attempt to brand popular policies that Democrats advance as socialism and anti-American. And the reality is that it’s part of the Republican march towards dismantling critical social programs including Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act.”

“We should be addressing rising costs, fair wages, affordable housing, education funding and other American priorities. Instead, Republicans are showing us who they are: apologists for corporate greed who want to gut Social Security and Medicare and protectors of their corporate donors and power. It’s time for Republicans to stop the distractions and get to work on the serious issues facing our constituents.”

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