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March 13th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Supports Full LGBT Equality, Cosponsors the Equality Act

WASHINGTON— Today, House Democrats introduced H.R. 5, the Equality Act, which would extend federal non-discrimination protections to LGBTQ individuals. Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, an original cosponsor of the bill, issued the following statement:

“Nobody should face discrimination based on who they are and who they love, and the Equality Act will remedy decades of discrimination that our LGBTQ brothers and sisters continue to face every day. We’ve seen what happens in the absence of strong federal civil rights protections for the LGBTQ community. For the past two years, the Trump Administration, some state governments, and municipalities across the country have engaged in an all-out assault on LGBTQ rights. They have shamefully twisted the law and reinterpreted statutes to provide businesses, health providers, and social services with a license to discriminate—to the detriment of those simply looking to live their daily lives.

“LGBTQ individuals deserve full civil rights protections under the law, and the Equality Act reaffirms the dignity of the LGBTQ community. I have always been a steadfast supporter of LGBTQ rights, and I will proudly support this legislation when it comes to the floor for a vote.”   


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