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January 3rd, 2019
Rep Grijalva Sworn in to 116th Congress

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva was sworn in to the 116th Congress. It was a historic day for House Democrats, who took control of the House of Representatives after eight years in the minority. In response, Rep. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“It’s a feeling unlike any other to take the oath and serve the people of Arizona’s Third Congressional District. The American people gave Democrats an opportunity in November to take action on bold, progressive policies that will help our communities thrive. After eight years of Republican leadership that brought us nothing but tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of others, Americans are hungry for change and progress. Issues like healthcare access and affordability, comprehensive immigration reform, campaign finance reform, and the environment will no longer be afterthoughts, but the forefront of the legislative agenda. As nominated Chair of the House Natural Resources, I’m ready to bring science back into the decision-making process, protect our public lands, and undertake the urgent efforts needed to combat climate change. These issues may seem broad, but they impact the daily lives of my constituents, and I am here to fight for them.”  

“No longer will the Trump Administration act with impunity, and no longer will Congress rubber stamp his disastrous policies. Serving Arizona’s Third Congressional District is one of the biggest privileges of my life, and it’s time to get right to work to make everyday families thrive in Arizona and beyond.” 


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