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January 9th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on Trump Primetime Immigration Speech: ?The Only National Security Threat is President Trump’

WASHINGTON, DC— Tonight, President Trump addressed the nation to make a push for his border wall. In December, Trump shut down the government after demanding $5 billion in funding for a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“The only crisis at the border is the one manufactured by Donald Trump, whose draconian policies of family separations, tear-gassing migrant families, and attempting to ban migrants from seeking asylum have created an unprecedented crisis at the border. Now, he has signaled a willingness to forgo Congress, declare an emergency, and use the military to build his monument of hate at our southern border.

“The myth of the insecure border is one of the greatest and most dangerous falsehoods promulgated by the Trump Administration, and is about as factual as his claims that Mexico will pay for his border wall. The southern border is already secure, and any funding towards border security should prioritize hiring more asylum and customs officers, modernizing our ports of entry, and working towards family-centered immigration reform.

“The fact that conversations are underway by Trump administration officials to declare a national emergency for Trump to build a wall and bolster his fragile ego are simply ridiculous. The only national emergency that merits immediate attention is the unhinged President who currently occupies the White House and refuses to put forth policy solutions that are grounded in facts.”


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