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July 25th, 2007
Rep. Grijalva Votes to Prevent Permanent U.S. Bases in Iraq

Washington, D.C. — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted by an overwhelming margin of 399-24 to pass H.R. 2929, introduced by Representative Barbara Lee of California. H.R. 2929 prohibits the use of any funds appropriated by Congress for the establishment of permanent US military bases in Iraq or “to exercise United States economic control of the oil resources of Iraq.”

H.R. 2929 cites the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group calling on the President to renounce permanent bases or any desire to control Iraqi oil and contradictory statements by Administration officials on these points.

Rep. Grijalva released the following statement after the vote:

“The American people do not want to occupy or dominate other nations, and this overwhelming vote by the House of Representatives is a necessary expression of that popular will. We have seen the suffering and chaos caused by this Administration’s misguided ambitions, and it is appropriate and necessary for the Congress to direct our policy in a new direction.

“This Administration has refused to clearly articulate and act upon a policy that renounces permanent bases and any ambition to control Iraqi oil. This troubling refusal has only served to create fear and resentment among Iraqis, and to thereby undermine the safety of our soldiers and their families.

“I am very pleased that so many of my colleagues have voted to endorse a policy consistent with the will of the American people and with the values that may yet redeem the future of this nation.”

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