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November 19th, 2008
Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva and Lynn Woolsey New Co-Chairs of Congressional Progressive Caucus

Washington, DC–Today, the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) announced its elected leadership for the 111th Congress.

•Co-Chairs are Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ) and Lynn Woolsey (CA)
•Whip Diane Watson
•Vice-Chair Liaison to Black Caucus Sheila Jackson-Lee
•Vice-Chair Liaison to Women’s Caucus Hilda L. Solis
•Vice-Chair Liaison to Asian Pacific American Caucus Mazie K. Hirono
•Vice-Chair Liaison to LGBT Equality Caucus, Dennis Kucinich
•Vice-Chair Liaison to Hispanic and Native American Caucuses, TBA
•Vice-Chair Liaison to New Members Caucuses, TBA

“From rebuilding our economy and expanding access to health care, to finally bringing our troops home from Iraq, our nation is at a unique time in it’s history. Perhaps not since the Great Depression has there been a moment when the decisions and actions taken by those in Washington will have such a profound and lasting impact on generations to come,” said Woolsey. “Today, we ensured that progressives continue to have a seat at the table, and a hand in crafting the legislation to come. I want to congratulate my friend and colleague Congressman Raúl Grijalva, who now takes over for Congresswoman Barbara Lee, the new Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus – a position she is perfect for. I look forward to working hand in hand with Raúl, and know that the Progressive Caucus will enjoy and benefit from his energy, passion, and commitment.”

“I am honored to become Co-chair, I believe it is time for our Caucus to move to the next level and continue to advance our progressive agenda in an effective and pragmatic manner,” stated Co-Chair elect Raúl M. Grijalva. “By being independent, inclusive, issue and solution based and unified in our policy decisions – we will be more effective.”

The CPC has been part of the Congress since 1992. The CPC, is one of the most diverse caucus in the US Congress. The Caucus has a membership of 73 and will expand in the coming Congress. The principles of the CPC are to: Fight for economic justice and security for all, Protect and preserve our civil rights and civil liberties, Promote global peace and security, and strive for environmental Protection and Energy Independence.

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