Energy & Water
Community Project Funding Request
Please read all information before starting your application. Please provide answers to any questions below in your application.
The Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies will accept project requests in only the following accounts and only in accordance with existing authorizations:
Army Corps of Engineers (Civil Works)
- Investigations
- Construction
- Mississippi River and Tributaries
- Operation and Maintenance
Department of the Interior – Bureau of Reclamation
- Water and Related Resources
All requests for the Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) accounts listed above should reflect a funding amount that can be realistically utilized in FY25. This is referred to as the project’s “capability” for FY25. All projects will be sent to the relevant agency for technical assistance, including regarding project capability.
Guidance Specific to the Army Corps of Engineers
For FY25 the Subcommittee will prioritize ongoing projects in an efforts to maximize federal benefit. New start ups will be extremely limited for FY25.
For FY25, the Subcommittee will prioritize projects in missions areas such as navigation, flood, storm damage deduction, and environmental restoration in an effort to maximize the federal benefit.
Please note that for the Corps, the Subcommittee may provide funding for a very limited number of new start projects, if any, in the Investigations, Construction, and Mississippi River and Tributaries accounts. While requests for new starts in these accounts will be accepted, please consider this limitation when making requests.
Guidance Specific to the Bureau of Reclamation
Please note that for Reclamation, projects authorized under sections 4007, 4009(a), and 4009(c) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements Act for the Nation (WIIN) Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–322) will not be accepted.
For questions, please contact Sayanna Molina at