Housing & Urban Development
Community Project Funding Request
Please read all information before starting your application. Please provide answers to any questions below in your application.
Please note: The only eligible recipients for Community Project Funding in the Economic Development Initiatives account are the following types of governmental entities and public institutions of higher education:
- States and the District of Columbia
- Territories
- Tribal governments
- Counties
- Cities, towns, parishes, or other local government entities
- Public colleges and universities, including community colleges
Project requests for the FY25 Economic Development Initiative program must be eligible under one or more of the following criteria of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program: 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), 5305(a)(5); which are as follows—but limited to—land or site acquisition, demolition or rehabilitation; blight removal; and construction and capital improvements of public facilities, except for “buildings used for the general conduct of government.”
Programmatic and operational expenses are not eligible.
5305(a)(1) – the acquisition of real property (including air rights, water rights, and other interests therein) which is (A) blighted, deteriorated, deteriorating, undeveloped, or inappropriately developed from the standpoint of sound community development and growth; (B) appropriate for rehabilitation or conservation activities; (C) appropriate for the preservation or restoration of historic sites, the beautification of urban land, the conservation of open spaces, natural resources, and scenic areas, the provision of recreational opportunities, or the guidance of urban development; (D) to be used for the provision of public works, facilities, and improvements eligible for assistance under this chapter; or (E) to be used for other public purposes;
5305(a)(2) – the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or installation (including design features and improvements with respect to such construction, reconstruction, or installation that promote energy efficiency) of public works, facilities (except for buildings for the general conduct of government), and site or other improvements;
5305(a)(4) – clearance, demolition, removal, reconstruction, and rehabilitation (including rehabilitation which promotes energy efficiency) of buildings and improvements (including interim assistance, and financing public or private acquisition for reconstruction or rehabilitation, and reconstruction or rehabilitation, of privately owned properties, and including the renovation of closed school buildings);
5305(a)(5) – special projects directed to the removal of material and architectural barriers which restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly and handicapped persons;
The following types of projects are not eligible for CPF funding:
- Museums, commemoratives, memorials;
- Swimming pools, water parks, golf courses;
- Healthcare facilities;
- Venues strictly for entertainment purposes – e.g., theaters and performing arts venues.
- Strictly research or planning activities; and
- Buildings for the general conduct of government (courthouses, post office, city halls), which are not allowed under the statute.
Given that projects must meet these authorized purposes of the CDBG program, the Committee expects to fund the following types of projects and other similar projects:
- Water or sewer infrastructure projects, which are not otherwise eligible to be funded as CPFs in EPA STAG (Interior bill) or Rural Water and Waste Disposal (Agriculture bill);
- Local road infrastructure, which is not otherwise eligible as a CPF in Highways (in this bill);
- Streetscape improvements;
- Housing rehabilitation or construction, residential conversions, and neighborhood revitalization projects, which would increase housing supply and/or improve housing affordability in the local community;
- Projects with a clear economic development benefit for a community or region, such as workforce training centers; and
- Projects that meet a compelling local need consistent with statutory purposes. For example, food banks in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, youth and senior centers, and multipurpose community centers would be strong submissions.
Due to the statutory restriction on using funds for “buildings for the general conduct of government,” things like courthouses and town halls cannot be funded.
Projects require substantial evidence of community support to be considered for funding. Community support documentation can include letters from elected officials and community groups, local transportation or community development plans, publications including news articles, and any other documents that demonstrate public support for the project.
All projects must meet these Committee requirements:
- Administered by state, local, or tribal governmental entities.
- As a reminder, for-profit entities are not eligible for Community Project Funding.
- Projects for governmental entities to improve private properties pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(4) will be highly scrutinized and possibly not funded.
- Members are advised that projects submitted under 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(1)(C) will be disfavored if the only or primary purpose of the project is “beautification” or historic preservation, without evidence of other community development or economic development benefits.
EDI projects are not eligible for the reimbursement of expenses for soft costs (planning, administrative) incurred prior to the completion of a grant agreement between HUD and the grantee; a grant agreement and a completed environmental review are necessary for reimbursement of hard costs (construction activities).
For questions, please contact Kelsey Mishkin at Kelsey.Mishkin@maill.house.gov