Interior and Environment
Community Project Funding Request
Please read all information before starting your application. Please provide answers to any questions below in your application.
All project requests must meet eligibility requirements for the specific program in which the request is made.
Environmental Protection Agency – State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)
For FY 2025, the Interior Subcommittee will accept Community Project Funding requests in the Environmental Protection Agency – State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) account for certain clean water and drinking water infrastructure projects. The Subcommittee will not accept project requests in any other account.
These projects include construction of and modifications to municipal sewage treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants. Similar to past practice, the Committee will be limiting STAG infrastructure grants only to projects that are publicly owned or owned by a non-profit entity and that are otherwise eligible for the funding from that state’s Clean Water or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) loan programs.
When submitting EPA STAG Community Project Funding requests, please be aware of the following:
- For-profit entities and privately-owned projects are NOT eligible for infrastructure grants, even if they are otherwise eligible for assistance under a SRF program. Additionally, the Committee will not fund projects for resorts, golf courses, gardens, or similar projects.
- The Committee will prioritize request where the primary grantees are State, municipal, local, territorial, or Tribal governmental entities as grantees.
- Non-profits as grantees will be considered on a limited basis at the discretion of the Committee Chairman.
Cost-Share Requirement: There is a minimum 20% cost share requirement for any portion of a project funded through a STAG infrastructure grant and the Committee will not waive matching requirements.
One-year funding: Each project request must be for FY 2025 funds only and cannot include a request for multiyear funding
In FY 2024, most EPA STAG infrastructure projects funded in the House bill ranged from $100,000 – $5,000,000.
Note that the Committee may consider higher project amounts for fiscal year 2024, and any caps will be determined by the Chairman after reviewing the full universe of requests.
Eligibility Questions.
- Is this a Clean Water SRF project or a Drinking Water SRF project?
- Is the project on your State’s most recently finalized Clean Water/Drinking Water SRF Intended Use Plan (IUP)?
- Has the project received Federal funds previously?
- If so, please describe.
- Does the project have (or expects to have within 12 months) its 20% cost share requirement?
- Given the Federal nexus requirement, does the project help meet or maintain Clean Water Act/Safe Drinking Water Act standards?
- If so, please describe.

For questions, please contact Nick DiCorato at