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116th Congress
June 12th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on ?No More Deaths’ Hung Jury: ?Humanitarian Work is Not a Crime’
June 11th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Speaks in Favor of Stronger Protections for Health Care and Social Services Workers
June 11th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Takes Legislative Actions to Fix Nogales International Outfall Interceptor
June 4th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on Passage of Dream and Promise Act: ?Finally Fulfilling the Promise We Made’
June 4th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva and Senator Whitehouse Introduce ?Success in the Middle Act’ to Increase Funding for Middle Grade Education
June 3rd, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Leads 45 Members of Congress Demanding Answers into the Impacts of the ?Remain in Mexico’ Policy on LGBTQ Asylum Seekers
May 31st, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Announces 2019 Congressional Art Competition Winner
May 31st, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on Proposed Trump Tariffs: More Unhinged Actions to Exploit the Border for Political Gain
May 23rd, 2019
As Student Debt Hits Record Levels, Reps. Grijalva, Larson, and Fudge Introduce the Protection of Social Security Restoration Act to Stop Garnishments
May 23rd, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Decries Trump’s Class-System Immigration Plan