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July 6th, 2020
Chair Grijalva on Mt. Rushmore Fireworks Display Opposed by Tribes: “This is the Administration That Blew Up Sacred Native Burial Grounds for its Wall”
June 30th, 2020
Chair Grijalva Hails Climate Committee Recommendations – Highlights Public Lands Net-Zero Carbon Bill, Environmental Justice, Other Measures
June 25th, 2020
Chair Grijalva Blasts Trump Administration Move to Hand Over Nearly 7 Million More Acres of Arctic to Oil and Gas Industry
June 25th, 2020
New GAO Report Requested by Chair Grijalva Finds No Reliable Data on What Mining Companies are Taking From Public Lands or How Much It’s Worth
June 18th, 2020
GAO Report Requested by Chair Grijalva Finds Customs & Border Protection Needs to Improve Stakeholder Outreach on Reducing Slavery in Seafood Industry
June 17th, 2020
Chair Grijalva, Reps. Lowenthal & Levin Press Interior Dept. for Explanation of Sudden Pro-Industry Changes to Oil and Gas Royalty Payments on Public Land
June 4th, 2020
Chair Grijalva Introduces Bills to Expand Saguaro National Park, Allow Land Exchange to Support University of Arizona and U.S. Forest Service
June 4th, 2020
Chair Grijalva: President Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks are Another Attack on Black Communities
May 29th, 2020
Chair Grijalva: Interior Secretary Bernhardt Should Fire Assistant Secretary Domenech After Second Watchdog Finding of Wrongdoing in Six Months
May 27th, 2020
Chair Grijalva Spotlights Trump Administration’s “Beyond the Pale” Economic Favoritism for Fossil Fuel Companies Over Proposed Royalty Payment Delays