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Health Care
July 9th, 2010
Grijalva Highlights Rebate Checks to More Than 300,000 Recipients To Offset Prescription Drug Costs in The Medicare “Donut Hole”
July 8th, 2010
Grijalva Congratulates Tucson Group For Receiving $446,000 Grant to Assist Homeless Youth With Housing, Substance Treatment Costs
June 29th, 2010
Grijalva Highlights New Availability of Early Retiree Health Care Affordability Program For Employers In Recently Passed Reform Law
June 28th, 2010
Grijalva Congratulates City, County and Non-Profit Recipients of New Housing Assistance Grant for Those Living With HIV and AIDS
June 4th, 2010
Grijalva Congratulates El Rio Community Health Center for $1 Million Grant to Expand Use of Electronic Health Records
May 13th, 2010
Grijalva Highlights 100 Percent Rating From American Association of University Women for 111th Congress
April 21st, 2010
Grijalva Congratulates Arizona On Approval Of $17 Million Grant For Construction Of New Veterans Nursing Home
April 21st, 2010
Grijalva Votes to Bring Assistance to Families of Veterans, Extend Counseling and Financial Benefits to Caretakers
April 15th, 2010
Grijalva Joins Brave New Foundation Video Campaign to Highlight Taxpayer Costs of Ongoing War in Afghanistan
April 8th, 2010
Grijalva Highlights $777,000 Grant to Help Educate Arizona Medicaid Patients on Their Rights and Support Options