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Press Release
January 14th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Urges Full Transparency of Mueller Report in Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Before Barr Hearings
January 11th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Speaks on the House Floor, Demands an End to the Trump Shutdown
January 11th, 2019
Arizona Democratic Delegation Urges Senate to Pass Bipartisan Spending Bills, Reopen the Government, and Stand Up for Federal Workers
January 9th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Votes to Protect Health Care for Millions of Arizonans
January 9th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on Trump Primetime Immigration Speech: ?The Only National Security Threat is President Trump’
January 4th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on H.R. 1: Democrats Live Up to Promise to Restore Power to the People
January 3rd, 2019
Rep Grijalva Sworn in to 116th Congress
December 29th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Statement on DHS Secretary’s Visit to Yuma
December 22nd, 2018
Rep. Grijalva on Government Shutdown: ?A Product of Republican Rule’
December 20th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Celebrates Passage of Library and Museum Funding Bill