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Health Care

Our healthcare system is broken. Massive gaps in coverage disproportionately impact Arizonans, and a profit-driven system that puts the interests of powerful insurance companies between people and healthcare has exacerbated health inequities. It is unacceptable that millions of Americans lack basic preventative care and millions more are one medical bill away from bankruptcy. I support the incremental improvements of the Affordable Care Act, but we must take action to provide true universal coverage and a health system that puts the interests of people first.

More on Health Care

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June 27th, 2016
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May 6th, 2016
Grijalva Praises Reinstating of KidsCare
May 4th, 2016
Grijalva Denounces Exclusion of KidsCare from AZ Budget
April 22nd, 2016
Grijalva Responds to Claim that Federal Funding Won’t Be there for KidsCare
April 14th, 2016
Members of Congress Celebrate FDA Action to Reduce Birth Defects in the Hispanic Community
February 23rd, 2016
Members of Congress Urge Swift FDA Action to Reduce Birth Defects in the Hispanic Community
December 3rd, 2015
AZ Congressional Democrats Denounce State’s Proposed Medicaid Changes