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We must think beyond the traditional definitions of infrastructure as roads, bridges, and airports and include infrastructure for families like childcare, broadband, and school buildings in our policies. Infrastructure can also play an important role in addressing the climate crisis by upgrading old infrastructure with new environmental standards and helping create millions of jobs in the new green economy of the future. Building the 21st Century infrastructure our communities deserve should involve bold government investments that create good-paying union jobs, tackle the climate crisis, and update our infrastructure systems with cutting-edge technology.

More on Infrastructure

December 9th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Announces $15.7 Million in American Rescue Plan Funding for Tucson International Airport
November 16th, 2021
Rep. Grijalva Announces $10.6 Million Department of Transportation Grant for City of Yuma
November 15th, 2021
Pres. Biden Signs Historic Infrastructure Bill into Law
August 22nd, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Will Vote in Favor of Protecting USPS
July 2nd, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Votes in Favor of H.R. 2, Highlights Major Infrastructure Investments to Benefit Arizona
June 11th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Celebrates New Transit Grant for Tucson Community
May 27th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Celebrates New Grant for Electric Buses for City of Tucson
February 27th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Submits Testimony to Transportation & Infrastructure Hearing on Water Resources Development Act, Calls for Funding of Nogales IOI
January 29th, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Congratulates City of Tucson on Human Trafficking Awareness and Public Safety Initiative Grant
December 2nd, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Joins Bicameral Congressional Delegation to Madrid for COP25 on Climate Change