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February 8th, 2013
Grijalva Introduces Package of Bills to Improve Border Commerce, Create Jobs, Protect Border-Area Public Lands From Encroachment
January 22nd, 2013
Grijalva Calls on Brewer to Reverse Stance, Allow ?Deferred Action’ Beneficiaries Driver’s Licenses After New Federal Rule Released
December 18th, 2012
Grijalva Rejects Potential Social Security Benefit Cuts Through “Chained CPI” in Latest Floated Year-End Financial Agreement
December 12th, 2012
Grijalva, Udall Highlight Taxpayer Losses, Lack of Needed Data Revealed in New Oil and Mining Report
October 22nd, 2012
Grijalva Welcomes Southern Arizona Veterans to Job Workshop and Training Event This Wednesday at Yuma Private Industry Council
October 17th, 2012
Grijalva Requests DOI Inspector General Report on Scope of Potentially Financially Improper Murray Energy Projects on Federal Land
October 1st, 2012
Grijalva Congratulates Western Arizona Economic Development District on $57,000 Grant to Develop Regional Economic Strategy
October 1st, 2012
Grijalva Congratulates Arizona on $2 Million Department of Labor Grant to Improve Unemployment Insurance, Help Recover Benefits
September 24th, 2012
Claims Period Opens Today for Hispanic and Women Farmers & Ranchers Who Claim Past Discrimination by U.S. Agriculture Dept.
September 19th, 2012
Grijalva Highlights Homeless Veteran Assistance, National Suicide Prevention Month as DC Conservatives Ignore Veteran Hardships