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February 15th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva on Spending Deal: “I Will Not Reward Trump’s Racism and Obstruction”

WASHINGTON— Today, the House of Representatives voted on a spending deal concerning Department of Homeland Security(DHS) funding. In addition, President Trump signaled that he will declare a national emergency to build the border wall. In response, Rep. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“I cannot vote for legislation that rewards the unhinged behavior of the President and his racially-charged policies, and I vehemently condemn Trump’s unconstitutional power grab with his intent to declare a national emergency. Whether shutting down the government for his wall or an emergency declaration, Trump continues to manufacture a crisis at the Southern border and reinforce it with fear-mongering and outright lies.

“Secretary Nielsen has served as his willing foot-soldier in terrorizing immigrant families throughout this ‘crisis,’ and has repeatedly lied to Congress and the American people about the actions and policies of DHS. Instead of facing any semblance of accountability or oversight, DHS is receiving blank checks from the government to reinforce their assault on immigrant communities.

“These policies emanate from the top, and Donald Trump’s presidency has been one long, assault on immigrant families and asylum seekers. He viciously separated children from their familieswithout plans to reunite them, co-opted U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement into a deportation force, and has attempted to ban individuals from even seeking asylum. He militarized border communities with unnecessary troop deployments and is waiving bedrock environmental laws to build his monument to his racist policies. His reelection campaign begins and ends with demonizing immigrants and people of color. Rewarding this behavior with even a cent to continue militarizing our borders and targeting innocent families sets a dangerous precedent—something I cannot help facilitate. 

“A political disagreement over a campaign promise is not a national emergency, and Congress must exhaust every possible avenue to stop the President’s unconstitutional actions. While I acknowledge and respect the work of my Democratic colleagues in the conference committee who attempted to make an untenable situation less painful,border communities and immigrant families should not have to bear the brunt of the President’s lies.” 


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