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As a former School Board member in Tucson, it’s a lifelong mission of mine to ensure that every child receives the world-class education they deserve—regardless of their zip code, immigration status, or language barriers. For too long, we’ve cut budgets and forced teachers to make miracles with fewer resources while leaving our students—particularly students of color—ill-prepared to enter the workforce of pursue higher education opportunities. Stronger investments in our public schools, increasing apprenticeships and technical training, and making higher education opportunities more affordable and accessible are some of the best ways we can ensure our children receive the education they need to prepare them for participation in the 21st century workforce.

More on Education

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Rep. Grijalva: On March 5, I Will Continue to Fight for Dreamers
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November 8th, 2017
Grijalva in New Op-Ed: We Will Fight For Our DREAMers
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June 20th, 2017
Grijalva: Arizona Court of Appeals Decision Treats DREAMers As Second-Class Citizens
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