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We all deserve to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live on land free from contaminants and pollution. Throughout my time in public service, I’ve put environmental justice at the center of everything from infrastructure and economic development to our current efforts to address the climate crisis. Arizona is at the center of the environmental justice and climate justice movements and often disproportionately experiences the deadly heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires. To solve the climate crisis, we must continue transitioning our economy away from one reliant on fossil fuels to a new green economy based in renewable energy that creates millions of new green jobs. At the same time, we must continue protecting our public lands, safeguarding our biodiversity, and working with communities impacted by environmental and climate justice issues to remedy past wrongs. 

More on Environment

November 30th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Statement on Secretary Zinke Tweet
August 2nd, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Slams Trump Plan to Roll Back Fuel and Emissions Standards
August 1st, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Urges the EPA to Ban TCE on Day of Acting EPA Administrator’s First Congressional Hearing
July 19th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva on Failed Gosar Attempt to Mine Ironwood Forest: Stop Attacking Public Lands
April 27th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Highlights EPA Funds for Projects Along Arizona-Sonora Border
February 12th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Decries Trump’s Budget and Infrastructure Plan
January 31st, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Response to 2018 State of the Union
December 5th, 2017
Grijalva Reacts to Being Appointed to Tax Conference Committee
November 20th, 2017
Grijalva Reacts to Keystone XL Approval
October 24th, 2017
Grijalva Reacts to GAO Report on Climate Change